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  1. Beckman Coulter, FA-19008, DxA 5000

    We have received and observed several instances in which, due to a software anomaly, samples remain waiting on the DxA system and ...

    Waarschuwing | 13-03-2019

  2. Draeger Medical Systems, PR84717, Infinity Acute Care System (M540)

    The Infinity M540 patient monitor may reboot when the ECG cable plug is not fully connected to the monitor.

    Waarschuwing | 13-03-2019

  3. Thermo Fisher Scientific, PO1186A.2581635, Oxoid

    A technical investigation has confirmed that Thermo Scientific™ Brilliance Staph 24 Agar, P01186A Lot 2581635 Expiry 6th March ...

    Waarschuwing | 12-03-2019

  4. Brainlab AG, CAPA-20190306-002261, RT Elements

    Advies inzake het gebruik van een apparaat; aanpassing van een apparaat

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019

  5. Stratec SE, 1683901, Stratec GEMINI und Stratec GEMINI Combo

    Based on the feedback of one of our sales partners and our subsequent analysis, we would like to inform you with this letter ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019

  6. Biomet, ZFA 2019-00009, LactoSorb RapidFlap

    Zimmer Biomet CMF and Thoracic, LLC (“Zimmer Biomet”) is conducting a medical device removal for certain lot numbers of the ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019

  7. B. Braun Melsungen, RECALL 2019-03-07 AS/LS, Certofix® Quattro

    Omdat het defect niet kan worden beperkt, moet het hele Certofix Quattro-productaanbod worden teruggeroepen.

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019

  8. Vyaire Medical FSCA_2019-001 - enFlow® fluid warming system

    Het besluit van Vyaire om dit URGENTE TERUGROEPINGSBERICHT uit te zenden is gebaseerd op onlangs uitgevoerde interne tests die ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019

  9. Biosynex SA, FSCA20190221, Palutop +4 Optima test

    A laboratory obtained false positive results in Plasmodium vivax (C, PAN, Pf and Pv positive bands).

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019


    The intradermal medical device on the market, with the REGENVAL IDEA BODY 1x20ml mark is a fake.

    Waarschuwing | 11-03-2019