ThermoFisher Scientific PR430820 - COVID-19 CE-IVD Interpretive Software v1.3 and 2.3_update FSN

In the previous FSN, we communicated that the MS2 assay which detects the Internal Positive Control (IPC), may produce inconclusive tests and may trigger the need to retest entire batches of samples. The software update to the MS2 settings is designed to reduce the risk of invalid, potential false negatives, or inconclusive tests and decrease the retest burden on customers. The interpretive software update also addresses the risk of potential false negative results which are associated with RNA samples prepared by suboptimal extraction, and analyzed with former versions of Applied Biosystems™ COVID-19 CE-IVD Interpretive Software.

Fabrikant: ThermoFisher Scientific
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Life Technologies Europe B.V.
Product: TaqPath™ COVID-19 CE-IVD Interpretive Software

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