GE Medical Systems SCS, FMI 34134, EVair medical air compressor, Evair 03

GE HealthCare has become aware of elevated levels of formaldehyde when the EVair or EVair 03 (Jun-Air) optional compressors are used with the CARESCAPE R860 or Engström Carestation/Pro ventilators, respectively. These elevated results were observed in preliminary testing that was conducted at an elevated room temperature of 40oC (104oF), at the lowest possible flow condition of 2 L/min (worstcase, minimum bias flow with no additional ventilation), and all of the gas being supplied from the compressor (i.e., FiO2 of 21% / no supplemental oxygen). GE HealthCare is continuing to evaluate the root cause for these elevated levels of formaldehyde.

Fabrikant: GE Medical Systems SCS
Europees vertegenwoordiger: GE Medical Systems SCS
Product: EVair medical air compressor, Evair 03
Datum FSN: 29 december 2023

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