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  1. Hitachi, CN-388450, cobas 8000 modular analyzer cobas e810 module

    We regret to inform you that we have received complaints describing signal drops on some cobas e 801 modules, due to degrading of ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-03-2019

  2. GE Healthcare FMI 74077, 74078, 74079 - LOGIQ P5- en LOGIQ A5-systems

    In zeldzame gevallen, bij storing van een bepaald component, is het mogelijk dat de temperatuur van het oppervlak van de sondekop ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-03-2019

  3. Roche, CN-430526/CN-426138, ALBP - Albumin BCP

    One affiliate complained about a particular delivery to the customer site for lot 35651401, where several reagent cassettes were ...

    Waarschuwing | 05-03-2019

  4. Siemens CSAN SY015_19-s - syngo.CT Cardiac Function_Planning

    This letter is to inform you about the potential risk of a wrong measurement in the annulus plane during a TAVI planning ...

    Waarschuwing | 04-03-2019

  5. Synthes GmbH, 1449426, Femoral Neck System Insert for Insertion Handle

    Synthes GmbH heeft ontdekt dat de perspassing van de insert componenten tijdens de fabricage van de hierboven genoemde lotnummers ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-03-2019

  6. Abbott FA26FEB2019_Rev.01 - Alinity c/i Processing Module and Alinity s System

    Abbott has identified that the safety interlock covering the septum piercing probes within the bulk solution bottle holder may ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-03-2019

  7. FSN Pulmonary Vein Catheter GOLD - Medtronic Inc

    U ontvangt deze brief om u te informeren over een update van de gebruikershandleiding (IFU) voor de Medtronic Pulmonary Vein ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-03-2019

  8. Siemens AX015_19_S - Cios Spin

    The organ programs pre-installed ex works enable safe operation within the specified performance limits. However, it is possible ...

    Waarschuwing | 27-02-2019

  9. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.-CHI 19-01 - ADVIA Chemistry HVN Mech Automation Kit- Aptio0464323imension Vista® Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDI)t Lab System

    Our records indicate that your facility may have an ADVIA Chemistry XPT connected to Aptio by Siemens, Aptio by Inpeco or FlexLab ...

    Waarschuwing | 27-02-2019

  10. Siemens Healthcare GmbH-UI XP004/19/S (FSN) and XP006/19/S (FSCA) - UROSKOP OMNIA and UROSKOP OMNIA MAX

    This letter is to inform you of a potential problem and hazard to persons when positionirig the monitors of the monitor support ...

    Waarschuwing | 27-02-2019