Sysmex Corporation Japan, 794400008, XQ-Series Automated Hematology Analyzer

During a new installation, Sysmex became aware of the risk of incorrect (false high) WBC results being output to LIS host computers connected to a Sysmex XQ-Series Automated Hematology Analyzer. Through investigations of the legal manufacturer Sysmex Corporation Japan, the malfunction could be reproduced and confirmed.
WBC value results transmitted from the analyser to a host computer are 10 times higher than the correct results displayed on the analyser screen.
This malfunction occurs only when you use a serial connection and a legacy data transfer format (KX21N or XP series standard) and is caused by the [Serial connection] and [TCP/IP connection] settings not matching. Due to a software bug, the host format setting selected for TCP/IP is used, even when a serial connection is used.

Fabrikant: Sysmex Corporation Japan
Product: XQ-Series Automated Hematology Analyzer
Datum FSN: (documentdatum) 31-10-2022

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